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Will this mod be in fs25?

Please make an updated version for 25


Really hope to see this tractor in FS25 I had 30+ hrs on mine in 22!

is the budy seat wor


Will this mod return to FS25??? Please return it to Fs25. It was my favorite tractor in FS22


cough* hem *cough fs25 eventually please ;)

Awesome mod love the tractor. Just wondering with the demco tanks I'm having trouble attaching both of them I can get one but not the other 

Make sure you're using the Demco tanks by 46Mods that I linked with this tractor's download. Any other versions from other modders are likely to be incompatible.

(1 edit) (+2)

There is a lot of 8000 series mods out there but Skywalker farms  made the best one


This is one of the best Tractor Mods for FS22. I have been using this tractor for a bit and I am surprised it's not a paid release. It has tons of customization, options, and simply IC to the max! I love this mod and this shows what can be achieved with hard work and dedication. Many other mods don't have this much detail, nor does it have this high quality. Another popular 8010-8410 lacks this detail, and I think this mod needs more recognition.


I appreciate the kind words, and I love seeing people recognize the passion poured into this project!

Yes, it is amazing. Suprise it is free. I love to see any other projects you are making. I have an idea for a new mod, the 8010 Series Traked. 2000 John Deere 8410T | Track Tractors | MachineFinder


already been made and its pretty nice also

Who made it, I saw a private version of this

steve spuller made it; search him on and you will find it


I just want to say what a fantastic mod this is! Thanks Skywalker Farms and the others who helped.

What Map are these screenshots from?

Ohio Richlands edit by Large H, work in progress

Hey man, love your tractor. I do however get a LUA-error when I use it. I run a clean log, it only happens when I do fieldwork with it. 

2024-01-02 20:15 Validity check failed in TransformGroup_localToWorld: 2024-01-02 20:15  

2024-01-02 20:15   2024-01-02 20:15 D:\auto_builder\cache\svn\0fe094cb2d0ec4b784b781920968bc31\src\engine\app\ReflectionAndScriptBinding.cpp (8355)2024-01-02 20:15 : 2024-01-02 20:15 MathUtil::isFinite(pArgs->arg[2].f)

2024-01-02 20:15 LUA call stack:

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/ConnectionHoses.lua (401) : printCallstack

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/ConnectionHoses.lua (282) : updateConnectionHose

  dataS/scripts/specialization/SpecializationUtil.lua (23)

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1916) : raiseEvent

  dataS/scripts/network/NetworkNode.lua (163) : update

  dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua (62) : updateActiveObjects

  dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (1148) : update

  dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (1983) : update

  dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (577) : update

  dataS/scripts/main.lua (1289) : update

I think you have a mod conflict because myself and other people tested this tractor a fair amount, and there were never reports of LUA errors. Specifically with the cultivator means it's related to the cultivator or a mod conflict.

Yeah,  you may be right, though I cant imagine what it could be. This happened both with a mod mulch/tiller and the basegame 3-point winch.

Cant be bothered checking though... as the mod is great and there are no lag or anything ;)


great tractor, irl this is a dream tractor. specifcally the 8410.     any chance you can add a config for the high weights (simaler to the 8r ones)?

No plans on doing that because the elevated weight bracket was only on the European version of this tractor.

oh ok. ive seen american ones with it but ok.

If any American tractors have that weight block, it was taken off a different tractor or it was imported from Europe. I've seen a number of European 8000s in the States.

yea, it dose look like the newer 8r weights


freaking awesome tractor!!!!! but i can only get the ic controls on outside of tractor to work like the hood,flashers, hitch width,stairs and door??? what am i doing wrong? and it syas it goes 24mph but will only do 21?? didnt these in real life do 23-24? 

For the IC controls, you may need to rebind the key to activate IC. The default is \, but I never got that to work and instead rebinded it to SPACE, and it fixed my issue. 

As for the speed, the 8000s only go 21mph, and the 8010s will go 24mph. This is realistic to the transmission changes John Deere made in 1999 to increase speed, but FS will always show 24mph top speed on the speedometer no matter what model you have.


The legend returns! Thanks for the tractor, I love this model! Merry Christmas!


Nice thanks! Happy Holidays!




The tractor is too detailed lol!! Darn good!



(1 edit) (+1)

By far my favourite tractor! Thankyou for this!